Friday, 27 June 2014

Taking the One Piece Plunge.....

Blogisphere…… I have a dilemma. We quite often take the little one swimming and a bikini is just not suitable for a 2.5year old swimming trip. More often than not he’s grabbed it holding on and we have a flashing scenario on a busy Saturday afternoon. So I have decided that I need to invest in a cozzie…..
I don’t know about anyone else but when I think of a one piece I think of unflattering number and it really does just put me off the idea so I had a little hunt around and it is proving impossible. I can either find something super slinky and will pose all the same issues of a bikini or the complete opposite.
I had a little rummage on Asos and found these all under £30.00. I would love to hear your thoughts.
Costume 1
This is how I envisige a swimming costume. It takes me back to my school days. Whilst it maybe practical, I am not sure how flattering it is 
Costume 2
I think this is gorgeous. But is it really suitable for the local lesiure centre on a family swim session? Plus you need a super flat tum

Costume 3
Just like the costume above, I think this is gorgeous. But I am not convinced it is toddler proof in a swimming pool situation
Costume 4
I do like this one below, but not sure if it is too much lepoard print for one day and there is something mumsy about it.  
Costume 5
There is something cute about the polka dots on this, but again I feel like it is too spotty
Maybe I am uber fussy or is there just a lack of swimsuits out there? I’m reaching out to you all for inspiration and ideas….There must be something out there for a 30 year old who wants to look stylish whilst being practical?

Wednesday, 25 June 2014

My Week in Pictures....

So another week is down and here is my little photo diary of what the last week has had to offer. I'm on the wind down out of what could possible one of the worst jobs I've ever had and as such my minimal work load has been taken off me. Which means I 've had a lot of time to blog and watch movies. This has been a typical view at work. Some would say I am fortunate to have epic amounts of time at work. But believe me I am going stir crazy...

We had the little monster at the weekend and it is amazing how quickly he is growing up. Here he almost resembles a teenager watching Thomas the Tank Engine
How gorgeous was the weekend? I cannot believe that the weather is changing again tomorrow, but here is a tiny reminder of how lovely it was over the weekend (and my - I'm in the garden face!)
Saturday afternoon we had D's Grandad round which meant the paddling pool got some use. Little man was more excited about filling it up initially.

On Sunday morning we headed over to Lotmead Farm and did some Strawberry picking. It was so lovely and a beautiful morning. The strawberries were so juicy and super sweet. (They didn't last long in our household at all!)
Sunday afternoon D and I got some time to ourselves so headed over to Westonbirt for an afternoon walk. I got some new wellies and then we headed off to a country pub for wine :)

Friday, 20 June 2014

Sofa to Half Marathon......

I don’t even know where to begin with this one… We are casually sitting there last night watching the footie and Mr D starts looking at dates and getting excited that we have a free weekend at the end of September that is also the same weekend that the Bristol Half Marathon is on. I casually tell him that he is mad as it’s just a few weeks away and how I have slight running envy as I’ve aimed to complete one so many times its just stupid to which he responded “Ooo don’t worry I am entering you as well”


So there we have it….. In 12 odd weeks I am “running” (I say this loosely as its more like a walk run scenario) 13 bloody miles! Mr D is telling me to look at it as a fun run (to be honest I am not sure how 13 miles is fun!) and just go with it. He’s promised me that we are doing it together and he will stick with me so that’s reassuring but it doesn’t stop the fear!


Aside from that he stupidly mentioned last week that we should “dress up” I don’t know how we got on to that conversation but I am kind of tempted to hold him to it… Not sure what look to aim for but some I’ve found are:
Fred & Wilma?

Peter Pan & Tinkerbell?

Thursday, 19 June 2014

My week in pictures.....

I’ve pinched this idea of a very lovely friend of mine as I try to get back into my blog and share something with you on a regular basis. So I thought I would start sharing my week in pictures….. The last week or so has been a bit of a crazy one full of drunken nights out in Essex, a few days in Newquay and a BBQ with Mr D’s family.
There are far too many pictures that I could upload, so instead I've chosen a small handful so not to bore you all. I've also not got any useable ones of the BBQ so you will just have to use your imagination and imagine our posh puppies in the posh buns :)
The week started with meeting a very lovely lady in Essex and having a well needed girlie weekend....

However, one thing led to another and the Prosecco came out and well its a good job that I don't have any pictures of Sunday morning #Messy!!!

After what was a very boozy weekend and a killer hangover I got to spend a week in Newquay with my favourite boys. It was also our first family holiday :)

Who'd have thought that this beach was in the UK? We could have been anywhere in the world.

We crammed so much in that week from the zoo to theme parks to the Eden project and military aeroplane museums. But the best bit was chilling out together and having a right out giggle!

Monday, 16 June 2014


I know that my blogs are sporadic at the moment, but it appears that I only seem to get inspiration to blog on subjects that mean a lot to me or something that I am passionate about. I had no intention of blogging today but a year ago someone I knew passed away and as such a year later I find myself sitting at work reflecting on how precious life is. I only have to look at my own life to see how much it has changed and how differently it could have turned out to realise that we only have one life and not to waste it.
Some people are lucky enough to breeze through life – but let’s face it those people are rare. The majority of us face bumps or even huge sink holes in the road that can stop us in our tracks. But we are all human and all stronger than we think. We all have issues and hang up’s and I can bet that everyone at some point has hidden something in order to appear ok or that they are coping.
Humans are like icebergs – only a small part of us is visible while the majority of is hidden away from sight where all sorts of things can fester away. We all experience this. We all put on the brave face yet why do we treat people like complete and utter shit. Why do we judge people and assume that everyone is hunky dory?
Don’t get me wrong, I am just as guilty of this as the next person but sometimes I think we all need to step back and pause. Think about what is going on around us and maybe just appreciate that someone is going through hell. Every office, classroom or playground has that someone who is quiet, who maybe doesn’t join in as much as the rest or on the flip is too outrageous that it isolates them. But this could just be that person surviving, getting through the day putting on a front acting the opposite to how they feel in order to cheer themselves up or appear less grumpy. Yet they are judged or talked about for being miserable or too much to handle.  
But how do we know what is going on in that person’s life? They could be battling an illness, mental health problems, facing issues at home or financially to name just a handful and all they want to do is get the day over and done with so they can say that they have done it! I’m sure if you knew the reason for the way that an individual behaved each and every one of us would be sympathetic and supportive. Just because they chose not to share every part of their life does not give us a reason to be judgemental.
So maybe we should all just stop and reflect. Look around us, at the people who walk in and out of our lives either at home or work and just think about our own life, our own troubles and think that they may just be going through something themselves. That they may have different coping techniques and just pause before assuming they are a total douche bag. It really only does take a “hello” to make someone’s day…. Why not try it and see what happens?  

Wednesday, 19 March 2014

Dare to Bare.....?

I’ve not blogged in a while and something is brewing on Facebook that has got my juices going so I have finally put fingers to keyboard to get something out.
So many of you would have seen the “Dare to Bare” selfie for cancer awareness and no doubt you have an opinion. There seem to be two camps with this …. The love it yer camp and the hate it whatever camp.
In my opinion anything that encourages woman to show off their natural beauty has to be a winner. We are encourage by media to look a certain way and not have lumps, bumps or spots but what the hell its who we are. Part of what makes us who we are. Women have a natural softness to their skin which should be shown off. In no way should we feel that a photo cannot be seen on Facebook unless we look like we are off to get ratted in town on a Saturday night.  We should not feel the need to comply with the world around us and feel that we can only go out with a full pallet of war paint.
Another way of looking at it is, yes it’s a photo but look how many of you are talking about it. Saying its dumb or embracing the idea. At the end of the day it is raising awareness and if that makes one person donate it’s a donation and it’s done its job.
A short blog I know but I did feel that I needed to get that off my chest. Women everywhere should be able to post a picture of themselves make up or not whenever they want. Not just because everyone else is. So women have confidence in yourself and love you for who you are.
 On another note if you want to donate, donate. If you want to raise awareness and fuel peoples debate post a picture. But remember daring to bare is not just a one off. You can do it whenever….